User Manual

Appendix B Terminal Menu Reference
RFI-9256 Radio Modem User Manual Page 58 of 96
B.1 (R) Radio Configuration Menu
*** Radio Configuration Menu ***
Unit is a: SLAVE
Network Address = 32
Rx Address = 20
Hopping Pattern = 0
Point to Multipoint Dialup Connection
(M) Set unit as Master
(S) Set unit as Slave
(N) Set Network address
(L) Set Local Rx address
(P) Set ports as Point to Point Direct
(D) Set ports as Point to Multipoint Dialup
(R) Set ports as Dialup Repeater
(1) Special Controls Menu
(2) Link Control Menu
(3) Radio Characteristics Menu
(F) Restore Factory defaults
(Esc) Previous Menu
Enter Choice:
Figure 27: Radio configuration menu
Set unit as Master:
In any communications link, at least one radio must be configured as a
master. The master synchronises communications with the slaves, and a may communicate with
any slave. A master may not communicate with another master unit.
Set unit as Slave:
In any communication link one unit must be set as a master and the rest as
slaves. Slaves can initiate communication but follow the synchronisation of the master. A slave
can only communicate with the master.
Set Network address:
The network address is the network identification number, and every radio
on a single network must have the same network address. Slaves will only synchronise with a
master that has the same network address. Radios ignore data originating from a radio with another
network address. A maximum of 64 network addresses are available, in the range 0 to 63.
Set Local Rx Address
: The local address is used to identify individual radios within a network.
Each radio must have a unique address, otherwise destructive collisions will occur. It is advised
that individual radios be given an address in the range 1000-9999, while radios configured as
repeaters (see section Back-to-back Repeater Operation on page 23) must be given the same local
address in the range 10-99.
Radios in different networks can have the same local address.