User's Manual

© RF Innovations Pty Ltd, 1998 Page: 16
234839, Revision 2.2
Using Internal Menu Commands
he menu system was briefly described in Configuration. This menu provides the user with an interface
that is controlled by the terminal device. It is here where configuration options are easily accessible.
There are several methods of accessing the configuration menu. Note that some options do not come into
effect until the menu system has been exited.
Accessing the Configuration Menu
METHOD 1: Front Panel Mode 6 (config)
The setup menu is invoked by:
Connecting the Auxiliary Port of the RFI-9256 to any terminal program.
Set the baud rate for that terminal to 19200, 8, N, 1.
On the modem press and hold the front panel switch until Mode 6 - config is activated then release
the switch.
METHOD 2: Local Hayes Command
If the front panel of the radio is inaccessible and the modem has a port configured as a Dialup then
setup menu can be invoked by:
Connecting either RFI-9256 Port configured as Dialup any terminal program.
Ensure the terminal communications settings are the same as those set on the modem.
Type the AT? Command.
METHOD 3: Remote Menu
If the modem itself is in accessible the setup menu can be invoked by:
Dial the remote modem with port address 92, e.g. ‘ATDT 2092’.
The internal menu, once invoked from Mode 6 - config, will display on the terminal screen as below in
Figure 6-1.