User's Manual

© RF Innovations Pty Ltd, 1998 Page: 18
234839, Revision 2.2
(M) Set unit as Master
In any communications link, at least one modem must be configured as a Master. The Master
synchronises communications with other Slaves. When this function is selected the radio is configured
as a master.
To change the modem to a Master, press (M).
(S) Set unit as Slave
In any communication link one unit must be set as a Master and the rest as Slaves. Slaves can initiate
communication but follow the synchronisation of the Master. Modems are configured as Slaves, by
To change the modem to a Slave, press (S). Modems are configured as Slaves, by default
(N) Set Network address
The Network Address is the network identification number. Slaves synchronise with a Master that has
the same Network Address. Radios ignore data originating from modems with another network
address. The network address must be the same for every Radio on that particular network.
To change the Network Address, press (N). The following will be displayed:
Enter Network Address value (0-63): 32
The unit allows for up to 64 network addresses (0-63)
. The network address is 32 by default.
(L) Set Local Rx address
The Local Rx Address is used to identify individual modems within a point to multipoint network.
Each Radio must have a unique address, otherwise more than one modem will answer when the
address is dialed and destructive collisions will occur. Point to point communication does not use
dialing, therefore both modems may have the same Rx number.
Radio units configured as Repeaters (see Repeaters on page 74 ) are often given the same Rx number.
Radios in different networks can have the same Local RX Address.
To change the Rx Address, press (L). The following will be displayed:
Enter Rx Address value as (1-9999): 20
The unit allows for up to 9999 Rx addresses (1-9999). The Rx address is 20 by default.
(P) Set Mode Point to Point Direct
Point to point communication is used to for links between two devices only and is equivalent to having
the units linked by a cable, effectively making the radios transparent. For more information see Point to
Point on page 76.
To change the radio configuration to Point to Point, press (P). The following will be displayed:
Address 0 is special address and should not be used as it is reserved for special broadcast modes. Also the general
address convention is that the Rx address of either a Base unit or a destination unit be a 4 digit number and
repeaters are 2 digit numbers without zero prefixes.