User's Manual

© RF Innovations Pty Ltd, 1998 Page: 34
234839, Revision 2.2
(H) Hangup on DTR (low)
The DTR is an RS-232 signal used to indicate to the modem whether the local terminal is ready to
communicate. This option, and the following three, tells the modem what to do when the DTR signal
drops to low. Hang-up on DTR (low), is used to disconnect the call from a slave device when DTR
drops to low.
(Z) Hangup on DTR Dropped
Hang-up on DTR dropped is used to disconnect call from a slave device when DTR changes from a
high to a low.
(L) Local on DTR (low)
When DTR is low the modem goes into local mode. This is equivalent to typing the escape sequence.
Once the unit is local it stays local until the online command (ATO) is used.
(I) Ignore DTR
Select this option when the user requires the DTR signal to be ignored.
(E) Echo (ON/OFF)
Toggles the echo setting between on and off every time it is selected. This controls the RS232 data
responses. When toggled off, (while in local command state) the character typed at the terminal will not
be echoed back to the screen.
(R) Modem returns response codes (ON/OFF)
This toggles whether the modem returns response codes or not and is used to suppress codes that are
sent from the Modem such as the CONNECT response.
(D) Set to Defaults
Restores factory defaults for the selected port (see Factory Defaults page 88 for settings).
This menu only appears when the Point-to-Point Protocol is selected.
The packetiser system is a
mechanism to group or bundle data to avoid inter character or inter-packet delays induced by delays
in communication and the network traffic.
On selection of the menu, the user will be requested the remote Tx Address before the menu will
appear. The following will be displayed:
Point to Point requires a Tx Address
Enter Remote Tx Address (0-9999): 20
The Tx address is 20 by default.
The menu that appears is shown in Figure 6-20.