User's Manual

© RF Innovations Pty Ltd, 1998 Page: 55
234839, Revision 2.2
The modem will return an OK response message
Configuring the Modem
Your modem allows you to tailor its operating parameters to suit your own particular requirements. The
modem uses S Registers to alter the configuration profile. Each S Register contains a decimal value to
represent a time delay, an ASCII character or the modems phone number (the interpretation of each value
differs with each S Register).
The modem allows you to save the contents of the S Registers and certain communication settings in
non-volatile memory (&W). This means the entire configuration profile will be retained after you have
switched your modem OFF.
The modem also has factory default settings stored internally, allowing you to change the
communication settings and S Register values and then recall the factory default configuration profile stored
in your modem when you originally purchased it. The factory defaults have been selected so most users will
be able to make immediate use of their modem, with minimum changes.
You may restore your modem to its factory defaults at any time:
Type: AT&F <CR>
Viewing the Current Configuration
The &V command allows you to view the current configuration of your modem. When you issue the
&V command, your modem sends a list of the current AT command and S Register settings to your
If you are getting no response it is likely to because local command state has not been entered. See The Escape Sequence.