User's Manual

© RF Innovations Pty Ltd, 1998 Page: 68
234839, Revision 2.2
Set the Data Bits of the Main Serial Port.
Must be used in conjunction with the AT&W1 command.
Default: 8
ATS103 Set Port stop bits
Range Description
1One Stop Bit
2 Two Stop Bits
Set the Stop Bits of the Main Serial Port.
Must be used in conjunction with the AT&W1 command.
Default: 1
ATS104 Set Port flow control
Range Description
0 No Flow Control
1 Software (XON/XOFF) Flow
2 Hardware (RTS/CTS) Flow
Set the Flow Control of the Main Serial Port.
Must be used in conjunction with the AT&W1 command.
Default 0
‘%’ Register Commands
The % Registers usually store string values and data entry must be terminated with a Carriage
Return <CR>. String values may contain spaces but will have leading and ending spaces removed.
The % Register commands cannot be concatenated, each must be terminated with the <CR>.
To set the value of an % Register the command is in the form:
where r is the register and n is the value to be placed in the % Register.
The value of the % Register can be read with the AT%r? command where r is the register.