User's Manual

© RF Innovations Pty Ltd, 1998 Page: 94
234839, Revision 2.2
Joins dissimilar networks and converts protocols such that data can be passed between them. For example, a bridge may allow
data to be passed from a TCP/IP network to a ISDN network.
Temporary storage area used to compensate for a difference in the rate of data flow into and out of a device.
A group of 8-bits that specifies a single character. See also Bit.
Carrier signal
The base frequency that is modulated by another signal containing information to be transmitted.
Carriage Return (CR)
The enter key on a keyboard. Causes the curser to move to the beginning of the next line.
Carrier Detect (CD)
An RS-232 interface signal from the modem to a terminal or personal computer indicating that the modem is receiving a
signal from a remote modem. See also DCD.
A letter, number or other symbol contained in a message or used in a control function. See Byte and ASCII.
Clear to Send (CTS)
Control signal sent by the DCE to indicate that the DTE may begin a transmission.
Communications Link
When communication is established between modems, information can be passed between them. Signified on the RFI-9256
by both modems having Network Link, Carrier Detect and On-Line LEDs activated and the receive and transmit LEDs flash as
data is sent.
Competing System
A Leased Line. For example X25, QPSX, ISPN.
Connection Commands
Commands that enable information to be passed between two modems, after a communications link has been established.
A physical devices, such as a plug, socket or jack, used to connect one hardware component of a system to another. A
connector may also be called a port.
Part of a computer system, usually a video display terminal, used by the operator to communicate with the computer. See
Condition arising when two or more devices try to transmit at the same time using the same channel.
Control Character
Any character assigned as ASCII numeric code less than the SPACE character. These characters are used to initiate a control
function on the receiving device. Also a symbol you can create by pressing one of your computer's keys while holding down
the Control key. These symbols are not usually printed, and are generally used to control screen formatting and cursor
Clear to Sent (CTS)
This signal is generated by a modem in response to RTS to indicate that a communications channel has been established and
that data can be sent.
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
An error-detection technique in which a data validation value is mathematically derived from a block of data and transmitted
at the end of the block. The receiving end re-computes the value and if it matches the value sent, the data is assumed to be
valid (error-free). If not, the receiver notifies the transmitter that an error has occurred and the block is retransmitted.