User's Manual

Serial Port Operation
Crescendo VHF Half-Duplex User Manual Page 19 of 74
Channel Width
TX Timer
12.5 kHz
>= 25ms
25 kHz
>= 13ms
Table 7: TX packetisation timers for different channel widths
Using packetiser timers will increase the latency induced by the radio system, as no part of the packet can be
transmitted until it has been fully received.
4.4 Statistics
Statistics are maintained for each serial port and these can be used to analyse and debug problems.
Rx Total
The size of the input buffer.
Rx Used
The number of bytes currently stored in the input buffer.
Rx Bytes
The total number of bytes that have been received.
Rx Errors
The total number of errors that have occurred during data
reception. This is the sum of Rx Overflows, Rx Overruns, Rx
Framing, and Rx Parity errors.
Rx Overflows
The total number of overflow errors that have occurred. An
overflow error occurs whenever data is received, but the
internal buffer is already full.
Rx Overruns
The total number of overrun errors that have occurred. An
overrun error occurs whenever the internal processor is
overloaded and cannot handle the incoming data.
Rx Framing
The total number of framing errors that have occurred.
Framing errors usually occur due to mismatched serial port
baud rates between the DTE and DCE.
Rx Parity
The total number of parity errors that have been detected.
Tx Total
The size of the output buffer.
Tx Used
The number of bytes currently stored in the output buffer.
Tx Bytes
The total number of bytes that have been transmitted.
Tx Errors
The total number of errors that have occurred while
transmitting. This is equal to the Tx Overflows count.
Tx Overflows
The total number of overflows that have occurred. An overflow
occurs when the radio attempts to insert data into the transmit
buffer internally, and the buffer is full.
Table 8: Serial port statistics
Main -> Serial Port -> Settings