Product Brochure

We design our heat pump
water heaters for efficiency.
At Stiebel Eltron, our goal is to
provide energy efficiency in addition
to comfort.
Our heat pump water heaters are
designed from the ground up to rely
on the heat pump, not on the back-
up element because that is the most
efficient way. Our “50-gallon” heat
pump water heater is actually 58
gallons and our 80-gallon model is,
well, 80 gallons, because large is the
best for a heat pump water heater.
Large capacity means the water you
are using, as much as possible, was
heated the most efficient way with
the heat pump.
We super-insulate our tanks, because
minimizing stand-by losses means
less energy is wasted. For maximum
energy savings it makes no sense to
skimp on the insulation and increase
energy consumption.
We use a single resistance element
for back-up water heating during
times of high demand. Our single
booster element is located in the
most efficient place at the very top
of the tank because that’s where the
hot water is drawn from.
220 E:
Winner of the worlds
major prize for
Hybrid Heat Pump
Water Heaters
Heat Pump
Water Heaters
The most efficient mode that
will provide the greatest
savings theyre capable of.
Water heater operates only
with the heat pump.
The correct mode must be
selected to save the most
amount of energy.
This is our main setting.
is engineered to
satisfy 90% of hot water needs
through the use of the heat
pump alone. In cases of high
demand, one specially-designed
electric “booster” element
is located at the very top of
the tank. Positioned near the
hot water draw point, the
element has been designed and
engineered to run as little as
Two standard electric
elements activate for fast
water temperature recovery.
System allows heat pump to
work once demand has been
met via electric elements.
is designed to satisfy
hot water needs without having
to pick a setting. There is
nothing to remember to choose
in order to have both comfort
and savings.
Two standard electric
elements activate sooner and
stay on longer than in hybrid
is engineered to work
as a harmonious whole to offer
comfort and savings without
having to ask, “what setting do I
need to choose today?” In cases
of extraordinarily high demand
the Accelera
has a user-
accessible booster function that
will engage the booster element.
Heat pump is disabled and,
like a standard electric tank,
two electric elements heat
the water. This mode must be
automatically enabled so the
evaporator can defrost. This
mode is also selected if the
heat pump fails.
We engineered the Accelera
the heat pump doesn’t need to
be disabled for a defrost cycle.
Water heater maintains a very
low temperature in the tank
then reheats the water the
day before you return.
Our super-insulated tank keeps
water hot in an Accelera
a 2-week vacation for less
than $4. No one has to worry if
vacation mode was set to wake
up on the correct day.
Whats the difference?