Instruction Manual

MS 170, MS 170 C, MS 180, MS 180 C
Your engine requires a mixture of
gasoline and engine oil.
For health reasons, avoid direct skin
contact with gasoline and avoid inhaling
gasoline vapor.
STIHL recommends the use of STIHL
MotoMix. This ready-to-use fuel mix
contains no benzol or lead, has a high
octane rating and ensures that you
always use the right mix ratio.
STIHL MotoMix uses STIHL HP Ultra
two-stroke engine oil for an extra long
engine life.
MotoMix is not available in all markets.
Mixing Fuel
Unsuitable fuels or lubricants or mix
ratios other than those specified may
result in serious damage to the engine.
Poor quality gasoline or engine oil may
damage the engine, sealing rings, hoses
and the fuel tank.
Use only high-quality brand-name
gasoline with a minimum octane rating
of 90 – leaded or unleaded.
Gasoline with an ethanol content of
more than 10% can cause running
problems in engines with a manually
adjustable carburetor and should not be
used in such engines.
Engines equipped with M-Tronic deliver
full power when run on gasoline with an
ethanol content of up to 25% (E25).
Engine Oil
If you mix the fuel yourself, use only
STIHL two-stroke engine oil or another
high-performance engine oil in
accordance with JASO FB, JASO FC,
STIHL specifies STIHL HP Ultra two-
stroke engine oil or an equivalent high-
performance engine oil in order to
maintain emission limits over the
machine’s service life.
Mix Ratio
STIHL 50:1 two-stroke engine oil: 50
parts gasoline to 1 part oil
N Use a canister approved for storing
fuel. Pour oil into canister first, then
add gasoline and mix thoroughly.
Storing Fuel
Store fuel only in approved safety-type
fuel canisters in a dry, cool and safe
location protected from light and the sun.
Fuel mix ages – only mix sufficient fuel
for a few weeks work. Do not store fuel
mix for longer than 30 days. Exposure to
light, the sun, low or high temperatures
can quickly make the fuel mix unusable.
STIHL MotoMix may be stored for up to
2 years without any problems.
N Thoroughly shake the mixture in the
canister before fueling your
Pressure may build up in the canister –
open it carefully.
N Clean the fuel tank and canister
from time to time.
Dispose of remaining fuel and cleaning
fluid properly in accordance with local
regulations and environmental
Gasoline STIHL engine oil 50:1
Liters Liters (ml)
5 0.10 (100)
10 0.20 (200)
15 0.30 (300)
20 0.40 (400)
25 0.50 (500)