Instruction Manual

Table Of Contents
Select suitable felling wedges dependent on the
trunk diameter and the width of the kerf (ana‐
logue to felling cut (E)).
Contact the STIHL dealer for the selection of the
felling wedge (suitable length, width and height).
4.6 Selecting the appropriate felling
The selection of the appropriate felling cut is
dependent on the same tree characteristics that
must be noted when determining the direction of
fall and the escape paths.
There are various different features of these
characteristics. This User Manual will only
describe the two most commonly occurring var‐
left: Normal tree – vertically upright tree
with uniform crown
right: Leaner tree - crown pointing in direc‐
tion of fall
4.7 Felling cut with stabilizing strap
(normal tree)
A) Thin trunks
Implement this felling cut when the trunk diame‐
ter is smaller than the cutting length of the chain‐
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Shout a warning before starting the felling cut.
Plunge cut the felling cut (E) – plunge the
guide bar fully in
Engage the spiked bumper behind the hinge
and use this as the rotation point – reposition
the chainsaw as little as possible
Make the felling cut up to the hinge (1)
Do not cut into the hinge
Make the felling cut up to the stabilizing
strap (2)
Do not cut into the stabilizing strap
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Set the felling wedge (3)
Shout a second warning immediately before the
tree falls.
Cut through the stabilizing strap, horizontal
level with the felling cut, with arms fully exten‐
B) Thick trunks
Implement this felling cut when the trunk diame‐
ter is greater than the cutting length of the
001BA263 KN
Shout a warning before starting the felling cut.
Engage the spiked bumper at the height of the
felling cut and use this as the rotation point –
reposition the chainsaw as little as possible
Tip of the guide bar must penetrate the wood
before the hinge (1) – guide the chainsaw
absolutely horizontally and swivel as widely as
Make the felling cut up to the hinge (2)
Do not cut into the hinge
Make the felling cut up to the stabilizing
strap (3)
4 Working Techniques English
0458-533-8321-E 13