User's Manual

2. Plug the USB of the motherboard to power the target microcontroller
3. Plug the USB of the external ST-Link to the computer to connect the UART
4. Run the STSW-BNRG1STLINK utility. The utility will exploit the
microcontroller of the external ST-Link.
D. Flash and debug using the motherboard (BCN002V1) with ST-Link Stamp V3
assembled (assembled and shown in figure 6).
1. The ST-Link Stamp V3 must be soldered on the motherboard
2. SW2 and SW3 switches must be in position 1-2 to connect the
BlueNRG-2 to the microcontroller on the ST-Link Stamp V3.
3. Plug the USB of the ST-Link V3 to the computer to power the target
microcontroller and connect the UART VCOM
4. Run the STSW-BNRG1STLINK utility. The utility will exploit the
microcontroller of the ST-Link Stamp V3.
10. Application firmware
Here are few hints for application developers: TBD
Table 3. Reference power consumption.
Active phase Inactive phase
(power not gated by MCU)
LED 150 uA (On) 0 uA (Off)
LSM6DSO Acc+Gyro 3 uA (LP, 50Hz) 0.05 uA (power-down)
HTS221 Rel. Humidity 22.5 uA (max avg, 1Hz) 0.5 uA (power-down)
LPS22HH Barometer 4 uA (LP, one-shot) 1 uA (power-down)
Figure 9. Example firmware application