User Manual

2.3 Protection system
3WA Air Circuit Breakers
Equipment Manual, 05/2021, 92310000002-03
53 Neutral protection N
The neutral conductor can be protected against overload and short-circuit with the electronic
trip unit. The neutral protection consists of a separate overload protection and a common
short-circuit protection for the three phases and the neutral conductor.
The overload protection has the setting I
N. The delay, the overload characteristic, and the
thermal memory correspond to the settings of the overload protection of the three phases.
For four-pole circuit breakers, the setting I
N of the overload protection is limited by the
maximum rated current I
n max of the circuit breaker.
For the short-circuit protection of the N-conductor, the settings of the short time ST and the
instantaneous short-circuit protection INST are adopted.
For a 3-pole circuit breaker, an external current sensor (N-CT) is required to protect the
neutral conductor, see Chapter External current sensor for neutral pole (Page 313).