User's Manual

18 Main Window
1) Pull-down menu : List of all functions of X-Mailer.
- File, Edit, View, Message, Tools, Help.
2) Tool bar : List of function icons frequently used.
3) Mail box folders : This folder saves all mails of your accounts.
* Unread mails are indicated by number in box.
- Inbox : This folder saves mails from your mail servers.
- Outbox : This folder saves sent mails.
- Drafts : This folder saves mails that you saved temporarily before you send.
4) Mail list window : All mails are listed by date here.
Unread mails are indicated by thick font and shows the capacity by bytes so that you can
erase unnecessary mails.
You can choose mails here and move ‘Outlook Express’ mail list window with ‘Drag &
5) Mail contents window : shows mail contents.
6) Status Bar : shows mail number and working process. Send Mail