User's Manual

1) SMTP server : You use this server When you send an e-mail.
X-Mailer supports two ways to use SMTP server and not to use SMTP server.
Send Mail without SMTP server : It’s faster and you can send mails more easily
wherever you are because X-mailer doesn’t need to use SMTP server. But it can
take more time to send mails to receivers when the receivers are many.
Send Mail with SMTP server
: It’s more sta many receivers because the mails
will pass through SMTP server. But you should input new SMTP server address
whenever internet connection PC changes.ble when you send mails to
2) SMTP Port number : Default port number of outgoing mail is ‘25’. This program uses this
basic port number ‘25’ unless particular SMTP server.
3) From : Sender’s mail address. If registered mail accounts are plural, you can click and
choose one from the Pull-down menu.
4) To : Receivers mail addresses. If you want to add more than one account, you must
divide them with semicolon(;).
If you click address icon button and you can import registered mail addresses very easily.
If you bring mail accounts from mailing list, they are added and listed automatically with
5) Cc : This account receiver will refer the same mail contents. The way to input mail
address is the same as ‘To’ accounts.
6) Attachment : You can attach files to the mail by clicking ‘File search’ button or choose