User's Manual

file(s) and put in by ‘drag & drop’.
7) Subject : The mail’s main title.
8) Contents : The mail’s contents.
9) Priority : You can set the priority of the mail.
10) ‘Send’ button : When you click this button, the mail will be sent to the receiver and then
the mail sending window will be closed automatically.
11) ‘Save’ button : When you click this button, the unfinished mail is saved to ‘Drafts’. Later
you can correct and send the mail after you double click the mail in the ‘Drafts’.
12) ‘Reset’ button : When you click this button, all written contents will be erased and
initialized to new mail sending window.
8.4.5 Mail Accounts
1) Account list window : shows all registered accounts and when you erase check mark,
the accounts will be omitted for bringing mails.
2) ‘New’ button : Click and input to register new account.
3) ‘Remove’ button : Click and remove the account chosen in the account list window.
4) ‘Set as Default’ button : Click to choose the account in the list and set the Default
account for using X-mailer. After you set an account as a Default, this program keeps
the setting when you send or receive mails.
5) ‘Import’ button : Click to import registered accounts from ‘Outlook Express’. At this time
you should input the password of account.
6) Name : Input the representative name here. This name doesn’t need to be same as the