User's Manual

name of the account. There is no specific rule to input the name.
ex) ‘James’, ‘Sara’, ‘Hello’…
7) E-mail address : The E-mail address of the account.
8) Reply address : If you omit this address, then the address will be the same as upper
mail address.
9) ‘Include this account when receiving mail or synchronizing’ check option : If you check
this option, then it will include this account when it brings the mail.
10) Incoming Mail(POP3) : Input incoming mail(POP3) server address. Even if the PC
internet connect changes, this mail server address remains the same.
11) Incoming Mail Port Number : sets and keeps the default number(110) unless it uses
particular POP3 server.
12) Leave a copy of messages on server : Check and the mails remain in server even when
this program brings the mails from server. If the mails remain in server, then you can
import and check them with other mailer programs(Outlook Express). But it could make
mail server full with mails and at last, no more mail could be received. If you turn off this
option, then the mails in the mail server will be erased at the same time importing mails
from the server. And then you cannot import them with other mail programs. So turn off
this option only when you are sure you don’t need to import them with other mailer
programs later.
13) Outgoing mail(SMTP) : If you use SMTP server, Input SMTP server address of your
internet service provider.
14) Outgoing Mail Port Number : Use default number(25) unless the mail server uses
particular SMTP server.
15) ‘Use SMTP Servercheck option: Refer to the ‘4.2.1. SMTP(Outgoing mail) server’.
16) Account name : The ID to log on to POP3 mail server.
17) Password : The password of ‘Account name’.
18) ‘Remember password’ check option : Check and you can log on automatically and if
this option is unchecked, there will show a Log on window when this program imports
mails from server.