User's Manual

Operating & Maintaining the Stratasys P750K 3D Printer
6–48 DOC08010 Rev. A (DRAFT 1)
Installing the
New Head
15. InspectȱtheȱreplacementȱheadȱandȱmakeȱsureȱthatȱtheȱOȬringȱsealsȱareȱ
inȱplaceȱ(seeȱfigure 6Ȭ70).
16. Gentlyȱinsertȱtheȱreplacementȱheadȱintoȱtheȱvacantȱslotȱinȱtheȱprintȱ
Note: Make sure to insert the head with the driver card facing its socket, in
the rear of the print block.
Figure 6-72: Inserting the print-head driver card into its socket
17. Pushȱtheȱheadȱupȱuntilȱyouȱhearȱitȱclickȱintoȱplace,ȱinȱbothȱfrontȱandȱ
Figure 6-73: Clicking the head into place in the print block
18. Lowerȱtheȱdoorȱofȱtheȱprintȱheadȱcompartmentȱandȱtightenȱtheȱscrewsȱ
19. Tightenȱtheȱupperȱandȱlowerȱscrewsȱthatȱsecureȱtheȱprintȱheadȱinȱtheȱ
printȱblockȱ(seeȱfigure 6Ȭ66ȱonȱpage 46).
Note: Hand-tighten these screws. Do not use a screwdriver.