User's Manual Part 3

9. Check Strap Tightness: Check the strap tightness on the side opposite the PID. There
should not be a space of more than ½ inch or 1.4 centimetres between the strap and the skin.
Installation Completion
10. Test the PID Signal: Watch the PRU+ in test mode, to ensure that the signal from the PID is
being received. The PID code number will be displayed and the PRU+ will beep to indicate it
has received the signal from the assigned PID. Note: during the first 5 seconds after the PRU+
receives the signal there will be a “+” immediately in front of the PID number. This will
disappear after 5 seconds. If the PID signal is not received within 1 minute, remove the PID
and check that the battery is properly installed.
11. Reset the PID: When a signal has been received by the PRU+, use the LOCK’s PID
button to reset the alarms on the PID. Wait until the next signal from the PID. If the alarms has
been properly reset, the PID number will be displayed, with no icons following it.
12. Complete the Installation: On the PRU+, press the A button until “B=Exit” is displayed. Press
button B to exit. Connect the phone line to the wall and to the “LINE” jack on the PRU+. The
PRU+ will call the Central Computer. When “Call Successful” is displayed, remove the
telephone cable from the PRU+. Leave the AC Power adapter attached to the PRU+ but
unplug it from the wall outlet. The PRU+ can now be placed inside the participant’s home.
13. Position the PRU+: Remove the PRU+ and AC Adapter. Place the PRU+ in a central
location, preferably closer to the participant’s bedroom than their living area, elevated at least
three feet / ninety centimetres from the floor. Assure that the PRU+ is plugged into AC power
when it reaches the participant’s home (be careful that the AC outlet that the PRU+ is plugged
into cannot be switched off with a light switch).
Downloading Information inside the PRU+
1. Connect AC: The information inside the PRU+ should be regularly downloaded (ie once per
week / once every two weeks). Connect the AC adapter to a wall outlet.
2. Connect Telephone: Connect the telephone cable to the telephone outlet. The PRU+ should
immediately start to call the central computer.
3. Wait for “Call Successful”: The PRU+ should indicate “Call Successful” when the PRU+ has
transferred all of the stored information. If the PRU+ does not indicate “Call Successful” the
PRU+ needs to call into the CC again. This can most easily be accomplished by removing the
AC plug from the wall until the PRU+ indicates “Starting Call..”. Once the PRU+ indicates
“Telephone In Use” plug the AC adapter back into the wall outlet.
De-Installation / Removal
A. If your equipment is monitored by our Monitoring Center:-
- Fax the Inactivation Form to the Monitoring Center on the same day that the unit is to be
removed from the participant’s residence.
B. If you monitor your own equipment:-
- Assure the participant ‘s sentence ends on the same day that the unit is removed from the
participant’s residence.