User's Manual Part 3

STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence
Unfortunately, issuing restraining orders does not assure safety to domestic violence victims.
Courts and law enforcement agencies enforcing stalking and domestic violence restraining orders
require assistance which the Platinum Plus 400 Series can supply. The offender, wearing a
transmitter, can continue to function in the community while complying to the restraining order. The
Personal Identification Device (transmitter) will act as a deterrent to the offender by enforcing the
realization they cannot approach the victim without activating an alarm. The victim is offered a
measure of security in that if the offender comes too close to their residence a priority alarm will be
sounded and there is a link to authority for immediate help.
The victim is given a Panic Alarm Pendant, and a PRU+ is installed in their place of residence. The
Personal Identification Device is worn by the offender. Another PRU+ should be installed at the
offender’s residence to enforce compliance with a curfew schedule and ensure that the offender
has not tampered or removed the transmitter. The information is entered into the central computer,
and is flagged as a priority domestic violence case.
The Panic Alarm Pendant transmitter code is programmed into the spousal code in the PRU+ and
the offenders PID code is programmed into the regular PID code (See Extended Special Function
Mode on page 38 For more information about programming these numbers). This will enable the
PRU+ to differentiate between a transmission sent by the pendant and the PID worn by the