User's Manual Part 4

Access / One
138 Managing Modules
This field allows you to define the specific longitude for where this module is
located (more relevant to OWS modules where physical location and
environment can be extreme). This setting must be within the range of -180
degrees/minutes to +180 degrees/minutes. The default is +0.000000.
This field allows you to define the specific elevation (in feet) for where this
module is located (more relevant to OWS modules where physical location
and environment can be extreme). The default is +0 feet (sea level).
User name
Select a user name from the pull-down list (Admin or Guest). Any changes
you make to the password in the following field will affect logins to this
module for the selected user name only.
Enter a password (between 5 and 32 characters). All passwords are case-
sensitive. Any change you make to the password will affect logins for this
module only.
Confirm Password
Re-enter the password to confirm that you typed it correctly.
Password Encryption
Check this box if you want Access/One Network to encrypt your password for
additional security.
When finished, click on the Update button to update this page and apply your
changes, then click on the Reboot button to reboot the module. If necessary, you
can click on the Refresh button in the toolbar to reset all parameters on this page to
their original values.
The default for the user name and the password for all modules
within your Access/One Network is Admin (with a capitalized A)
for both. We strongly recommend that you change the default
password immediately after your initial login.