User's Guide Part 3

Access / One
82 Managing the Network
Spectralink Voice Support
Check the SpectraLink Radio Protocol box to enable the SpectraLink Voice
Support feature across the network. This feature gives a controlled preference
to voice packets over data packets, ensuring that all voice packets are
transmitted efficiently. Access/One Network prioritizes SpectraLink voice
traffic over user data traffic.
Configured COS Priority Filter List
If you want to add a specific COS filter, click on the Add COS Filter button to
display the COS Filter Management window. From here, you can add Class of
Service filters and establish priorities for each class.
Figure 63. Adding COS Filters
For each COS filter you add, you must click on the Update button to apply
the change—you can only add one filter at a time. Each time you add a COS
filter, Manager/One returns you to the main Priority/One page where you will
see the new filter appended to a list. The list appears immediately under the
Add COS Filter button.