User's Manual Part 2

Access / One
The Manager/One Interface 63
Exporting Your Inventory File to an Excel Spreadsheet
From the Inventory page (only available at the network level), clicking on the
Information button (i) generates a separate window that contains a procedure for
Exporting your current inventory file to an editable Excel spreadsheet. this procedure
is also available in “Managing the Network” on page 65.
Inventory or Auto Discovered
When set to the flat view, you have the option of defining how Manager/One sees
your Access/One Network. You can inform Manager/One to base its view on the
current inventory of modules, or use Access/One’s ability to auto-discover itself.
All network nodes automatically identify themselves to the network, and as a
consequence each node discovers the identities and configurations of its neighbors,
as well as their current active state. In short, they know who they are, what they are,
and what they’re doing. Access/One Network’s self-tuning, self-healing and rogue
detection features depend heavily on this functionality. Alternatively, you can
configure and manage the network based on an inventory list of physical
components. The inventory list is generated by Manager/One automatically, but you
can add and/or delete items from the list, as needed.
Figure 48. Inventory or Auto Discovered
Auto Discovered