User's Manual Part 2

Access / One
66 Managing the Network
View Action Status
Clicking on View Action Status in Manager/One’s toolbar launches a separate
window that displays a list of all the modules within your Access/One Network with
their current operating status. The list consists of a node name, the IP addresses of
each module within the node, its current status, and the version number of the
software that is running on the module. You can choose to expand or collapse this
list by selecting either Expand All or Collapse All (or by clicking on the +/- box next
to the Node Name column).
The information in this window is refreshed every 5 seconds, providing the most
current active state of the network—however, some of the displayed values can
occur too quickly for observation. You can reset (refresh) the status window at any
time by clicking on the Reset Status button.
Figure 51. View Action Status Window