User's Manual Part 4

Access / One
136 Managing Modules
Load Firmware/Configuration
This command allows you to load a new firmware image and /or configuration file
to the module, restore a previous version (or backup file), or upload a backup
firmware image and /or configuration file. The following graphic shows the Load
Firmware/Configuration window with its options set for uploading a backup
configuration file.
Figure 106. Loading a New Firmware Image or Configuration File
Go to “Firmware Updates” on page 145 and establish the FTP server parameters to
inform Manager/One where to locate the new firmware image or configuration file,
and which file to use. The following options are available with this command:
Action Type
Choose Download, Restore Previous Version, or Upload.
File Version
Define the file version, either Current or Backup (only available if you are
uploading a file).
File Type
Define the file type, either Image or Configuration.
Click on the Download Now, Restore Now, or Upload Now button (depending on
which action you defined) to execute the command, then click on the Reboot
button to reboot the module.