User's Manual Part 5

Access / One
Glossary of Terms 189
baud rate
The number of pulses of a signal that occur in one second. Thus, baud rate is the
speed at which digital signal pulses travel.
A uniframe system packet broadcast by the AP to keep the network
synchronized. A beacon Includes the Net_ID (ESSID), the AP address, the
broadcast destination addresses, a time stamp, a DTIM (Delivery Traffic
Indicator Maps) and the TIM (Traffic Indicator Message).
bit rate
The transmission rate of binary symbols ('0' and '1'). Bit rate is equal to the total
number of bits transmitted in one second.
A network component that provides inter-networking functionality at the data
link or medium access layer (Layer 2). Bridges provide segmentation and re-
assembly of data frames.
Cat 5
(Category 5) A category of performance for inside Ethernet wiring that defines a
cable with eight insulated copper wires. Each pair is twisted around each other
to reduce cross talk and electromagnetic induction. Each connection on a
twisted pair requires both wires. Cat5 cables are suitable for 10/100BaseT
A path for communications signals to flow through. Connectivity exists between
a pair of Nodes if the destination Node can correctly receive data from the
source Node at a specified minimum data rate.