User manual

PART 1 • English
6.4 Recorder Settings
Enable or disable instant recording and HDD power save features.
HDD power save feature allows you to save energy. The HDD power will be turned off after defined
time interval of HDD is not in use. For example you define HDD power save is set to 10 minutes. This
means that HDD power will be turned off after 10 minutes from the moment of last use of the HDD.
If Instant recording is enabled then HDD power save option is not available because receiver does a
record in background of every channel you are watching.
7.1 Program Guide (EPG)
EPG shows the program schedule for the current channel. Availability of EPG depends from
broadcaster and may not be available for all channels.
In TV mode, press EPG button, the EPG Menu will appear. Screen divided to 3 main parts: at the left
channel list, at the right program schedule list and bottom part provide short program description
with program start-end time.
In channel list use pq buttons to choose the channel.
Use tu to switch between channel list and program schedule.
In program schedule list:
Use pq buttons to choose program.
Use RED/GREEN buttons to select previous/next day of schedule.
Use tu to switch between channel list and program schedule.
Use YELLOW button to display detailed program information.
Use BLUE button to programme timer for selected program.
In program details:
Use pq to scroll information in the window.
Use Exit to return to the list of programs.
7.2 Zapping and information banners
The zapping banner is displayed automatically every time when you change channel in TV mode. It
provides information about current channel, list type, satellite name, time and date.
Information banner can be called up by pressing INFO button.
In addition to zapping banner it provides information about next program, availability of subtitles
and Teletext on current channel.
The information banner can be toggled to Extended and Signal modes by pressing RED (Extended)
and GREEN (Signal) buttons. In Extended mode a short description of current program (if
available) is displayed. In Signal mode technical information such as transponder parameters, audio
and video PIDs of current channel, signal strength and quality is displayed.