User manual

PART 1 • English
8.4.7 Place a bookmark
This function allows you to place a bookmark at the most interesting moments of a record. During
playback press INFO button. The playback information banner will appear on screen. Use tu
buttons to scroll in the record to the point where you want to place a bookmark and press &
button. You will see a red dot appearing on the playback progress indicator. You can place up to 32
bookmarks in one record.
8.4.8 Jump to
This function allows you to jump to a designated moment in the record or jump between
bookmarks in the record.
To jump to designated moment: start playback of selected record and press & button. You will be
prompted to enter time in the record where to continue playback. Enter time in the format HH:MM:
SS (HH – hours, MM – minutes, SS – seconds).
To jump between bookmarks: start playback of selected record, press INFO and press & button.
The playback will continue from first available bookmark. If you wish to continue from another
bookmark then press & again.