User manual

PART 1 • English
Playback of MP3 music will continue as long as the File Explorer is active. This allows you to listen to MP3
music while watching photos.
Tip: The File Explorer will only show files when a correctly formatted USB device is
connected to the receiver.
7.3.4 Timer
Timers can be used to schedule recordings or to switch to a certain channel at a desired moment. It will
help you not to miss your favourite events.
Use pq to select one of the eight available timers. Press OK to advance. The Edit Timer screen will now
be displayed. Use pq to switch between settings and tu or [0~9] to adjust the value of a setting.
Cycle: Choose between Once, Everyday or Weekly.
Date: With Cycle set to Once: press OK to display the calendar. Use pqtu to pick
the date for the recording and confirm with OK.
With Cycle set to Weekly: Use tu to select the day of the week at which the
timer will start.
Time: Use the [0~9] buttons to enter the time at which the timer will start.
Action: Use tu to choose between Play or Record. Select Record to set a timed recording.
Channel: Press OK to display the channel list and use pq to select the channel that the
receiver should use for the timed action.
Duration: Use the [0~9] buttons to digit the duration of the timer.
Once all settings are made, press EXIT to leave the menu. A confirmation banner will be shown. Press
OK to save the timer or EXIT to discard.
Deleting a timer
In order to delete a set timer, select it with pq and press RED. A confirmation banner will now be
shown. Press OK to delete or EXIT to cancel.
Note: In case one timer is in conflict with another or if the set time has already passed,
the receiver will display a warning and asks you how to solve the conflict.
7.4 Advanced
This sub menu gives you access to advanced functions such as updating and factory reset. The following
options are available: System Info, USB Update, OTA and Factory Reset.
7.4.1 System Info
Displays valuable information about the software and hardware version of your receiver and our web
address . A customer support agent might ask for the information given in this screen.
Press EXIT to leave the System Info screen.
7.4.2 USB Update
This function allows you to perform a system upgrade from an USB device. You can also use it to export
your channel list to a connected USB device.