User's Manual

12. Smoke generated during electrosurgical procedures may be harmful to
surgical personnel. Take appropriate precautions by wearing surgical
masks or other means of protection.
During Surgery
1. DO NOT use the Crossre™ system with non-conductive irrigants (e.g.
sterile water, air, gas, glycine, etc.). Use only conductive irrigants such as
saline or Ringers lactate in order for the system to function properly.
2. DO NOT allow the patient to come into contact with grounded metal
objects or objects that have an appreciable capacitance to the earth, such
as a surgical table frame or instrument table, to prevent risk of shock.
e use of antistatic sheeting is recommended for this purpose.
3. DO NOT activate the Crossre™ system for prolonged lengths of time
when the attachment is not in contact with tissue. Doing so may lead to
unintentional damage to surrounding tissue.
4. When the Crossre™ system is activated, the conducted and radiated
electrical elds may interfere with other electrical medical equipment.
Provide as much possible distance between the console and other
electronic medical equipment.
5. Select the lowest output power required to prevent patient injury.
6. Maintain the active electrode in the eld of view at all times to avoid
tissue damage.
7. Remove the handpiece and disposable attachments from the surgical
site and place them away from metallic objects when not in use.
Attachments should be separated from other electrosurgical equipment
to avoid inadvertent electrical coupling between devices. Inadvertent
activation may cause user/patient injury and/or product damage.
8. Keep the ends of the handpiece cable connectors, footswitch cable
connectors, and console receptacles away from all uids.
9. DO NOT activate the Crossre™ system until the probe is properly
positioned in the patient.
10. Ensure that the probe tip, including the return electrode, is completely
surrounded by irrigant solution during use.
11. Keep the activation indication lights and speaker in eld of view and
hearing at all times during activation. e light and sound are important
safety features.
12. DO NOT touch the attachment to metal objects, such as an endoscope
or metal cannula, while activating the handpiece. Damage to the
attachments or other devices may result.
13. DO NOT obstruct the fan (located near the rear of the console).