User Manual

The Hi-Pass Filter removes low end frequencies from FET detection so
that the compressor does not react to low end energy. It is selectable
in 5 different frequencies. Use this setting when you want the low
end of your source to be unaffected by the compression. For instance,
by engaging the hi-pass filter at its 200Hz setting using two stereo
linked DRAGONS on a drum sub mix (commonly called a drum buss),
the low frequencies of the kick drum will not be compressed. The hi-
pass filter can also affect how the compressor sounds when using it in
stereo on a full mix. By engaging the hi-pass at 80Hz, the compressor
reacts less to low end energy, which in some cases is desired for a
more transparent sound.
The “Link” switch sums the audio of two DRAGONS so that the
compression detection works in stereo. This eliminates imaging drift
and allows the units to work well on drum sub-mixes and full mixes.
All panel settings must be duplicated manually on both units. Use
your ears as well as your eyes, there may be slight variance from unit
to unit in the position of knob settings.
To link two units:
Attach a ¼” cable from each unit’s output to the
other unit’s input. Two cables will be needed to
achieve this.
*NOTE: When the units are NOT linked via ¼” cables, engaging the
link switch will divide the ratios in half! This is actually a useful effect
and can make the DRAGON even more versatile while being used in
The Character Switches change the way the DRAGON sounds by
affecting specific frequencies of the FET detection in a very musical
way. Using a sophisticated filter design, the Character Switches can
enhance a musical source giving just the right essence to a track
during the recording or mixing process. When the compression ratio is
set to 0, the Character Switches can still impart sound in the signal
path, giving them the ability to act as general tone shapers. There are
three Character Switches.
1. Sheen - This setting emulates classic photo optical cell
compressors and adds a sparkle and sheen to the signal which is