User guide

FREQUENCY: This adjusts the cutoff frequency of the 12db and 24db filters. It is
rather like a tone control. As you rotate the knob clockwise, the higher the frequencies
are which pass through the filter; thus, the brighter the sound.
RESONANCE: Adjusts the amount of filter resonance, which emphasizes the cutoff
frequency region and makes the presence of harmonics more apparent. As the knob
setting is increased beyond 3 o'clock (24db filter only) the filter begins to oscillate, and
acts like a sine wave audio source.
24DB: When lit, the 24db (Moog) filter is active. When not, the 12db (S.E.M.) filter is
TRACKING: Applies keyboard CV (control voltage) to the filter. The more tracking
used, the brighter the sound will get as you ascend the keyboard.
The SE -1 has four envelopes. Envelope 1 is permanently assigned to the filter, and
Envelope 2 is permanently assigned to the amplifier. Envelopes 3 and 4 can be
assigned to a variety of functions via the edit page.
The filter envelope generator shapes the timbre by controlling the filter cutoff frequency
and resonance. The contour pattern is initiated when a key is struck, producing a gate
(or note). The initial appearance of the gate triggers the envelope to proceed through
its ATTACK and DECAY times. After the ATTACK and DECAY times have elapsed,
the generator will produce a steady control voltage; playing the sound at the level set by
the SUSTAIN knob for as long as the gate (or note) is held. When the key is released
the RELEASE knob sets the rate at which the sound disappears.
ATTACK: Adjusts the length of time for the envelope generator's output to go from
zero level (when key is initially pressed) to maximum level.
DECAY: Adjusts the length of time for the envelope generator's output level to go from
maximum level to sustain level.
SUSTAIN: Adjusts the sustain level from zero to maximum. This is a level control, not
a time control. Sustain time is determined by touch. If sustain is set at maximum, then
the decay knob setting is irrelevant. There is no level below maximum to which the
envelope can decay.
RELEASE: After releasing key, adjusts the length of time for the envelope generator's
output to go from sustain level to zero.
If sustain is set at zero, then the release knob
setting is irrelevant. There is no level from which the envelope can release.