Comparison Chart

Live-Link Version Live-Link Mini Live-Link Jr. “04X” Series “05X” Series “06X” Series “07X” Series
Camera End Unit LLM-CA-105 LLJR-CA-101/105 LL-3G-CA-041/045 LL-3G-CA-051/055 LL-3G-CA-061/065 LL-3G-CA-075/076
Truck End Unit / Control
Room Unit LLM-TE-107 LLM-TE-109 LLJR-TE-101 LL-3G-CR-041/042/
Digital Video Paths (3G/HD/SD-SDI)
Camera End to Truck End / Control Room 1 1 2 3 2 5
Truck End / Control Room to Camera End 1 1 1 2 2 2 1
Analog Video Paths (NTSC/PAL)
Control Room to Camera End 1 (Tru-Sync™ technology)
Mic/Line Inputs (Camera End) 2 4 4 4 4
Mic/Line Outputs (Truck End / Control Room) 2 4 4 4 4
De-Embed Audio Outputs (Truck End) 4 2 2
Line/IFB Returns (Camera End)
Line Outputs 2 2 2 2 2 2
IFB Outputs (powered) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Party-Line Intercom (Camera End)
(powered, on/off selectable)
Party-Line Intercom
(Truck End)
(powered, on/off selectable)
(powered, on/off selectable)
(powered, on/off
Intercom (Truck End / Control Room)
(1 channel)
(1 channel)
(2 channels)
(2 channels)
(2 channels)
(2 channels)
Ethernet Transport
10/100/1000 10/100/1000 10/100/1000 10/100/1000
Async Data Transport 1 (RS-422) 1 (RS-422), 1 (RS-232) 1 (RS-422), 1 (RS-232) 1 (RS-422), 1 (RS-232) 1 (RS-422), 1 (RS-232)
Contact Closures (GPI/GPO) 1 2 2 2 2
Optical Fibers (Single Mode) 1 2 2 2 2 2
Optical Connectors (Camera End) 1 ST opticalCON® DUO,
2 ST, or 1 ST
opticalCON DUO or 2 ST opticalCON DUO or 2 ST opticalCON DUO or 2 ST 2 ST
Optical Connectors (Truck End / Control Room) 1 ST 2 ST or 1 ST opticalCON DUO or 2 ST opticalCON DUO or 2 ST opticalCON DUO or 2 ST 2 ST
Enclosure Type
Camera End Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable or Rack-Ready
Truck End / Control Room Rack-Mount Portable Rack-Mount Portable or Rack-Ready Portable or Rack-Ready Portable or Rack-Ready Portable or Rack-Ready
Camera End Power
Battery (Anton/Bauer® standard, V-mount optional)
(Portable only)
10-18 Vdc (external power supply included)
10-50 V (using hybrid/fiber cable)
Optional Optional Optional
Truck End / Control Room Power
Battery (Anton/Bauer standard, V-mount optional)
(Portable only)
(Portable only)
(Portable only)
(Portable only)
10-18 Vdc (external power supply included)
100-240 V, 50/60 Hz
Live-Link™ Remote Camera Interface System
Feature-by-Feature Comparison Chart
50357-0519, Issue 5

Summary of content (1 pages)