User's Manual

Numa Compact 2/2x by Studiologic
Global edit
LOCAL CONTROL This command is also received via MIDI and it is automatically
deactivated the next time the instrument is turned on; in LO-
CAL OFF the keyboard does not send the notes played on the
keyboard directly to the internal Sounds, but only via USB-MIDI
to avoid unwanted repetitions when using external Software
Programs which receive the notes from the keyboard and send
them back to the generation.
USB MIDI OUT MULTI Ch: the instrument continues to work in its standard
mode, sending notes and controls via USB on the respective
MIDI Channels 1-2 of the enabled sections and on the COM-
MON channel 16 only the general controls.
SINGLE Ch: the control panel controls and the notes played
on the keyboard are transmitted via USB on a single channel
MIDI MERGE The merge function allows to merge-mix the MIDI IN data to
the local MIDI data (notes, controls etc) and send the result to
the USB and/or MIDI Out; the selectable options are:
OFF = Merge function disabled;
TO MIDI = Merged MIDI data are sent to the MIDI OUT;
TO USB = Merged MIDI data are sent to USB;
TO MIDI+USB = Merged MIDI data are sent to both USB and
SYSEX FILTER To lter (cut out) some MIDI message (besides the standard
ones) when merging a MIDI in source to the selected destina-
SLIDER MODE  DIRECT/SNAP The 9 Sliders (Drawbars in Organ mode) can have two dierent
way of operate, to be selected in the related Global Edit page,
according to your preferences and playing needs.
Selecting the DIRECT mode, when a Slider/Drawbar is moved,
the new value corresponding to the physical position is im-
mediatly read and sent to the Sound generation, allowing to
instantly input the new value, from 0 to 8 in Drawbars-Organ
mode and from 1 to 127 in Slider mode, either for Synth para-
meters and MIDI assignable values.
Selecting the SNAP mode, when a Slider/Drawbar is moved,
new values are read and updated one after the new position
corresponds to the original stored value; as an example, if the
Cuto value of a Sound was 100, the Slider will input a new
value only after you reach the original 100 position.
Numa Compact 2x