User's Manual

onto your front door or the position nearby.
Important: Mounting the Push Button unit on the UPVC doorframes or metal surface will reduce
the broadcasting range seriously.
b) Wall Clock with built-in Door Chime: Drill hole and fit wall plug (if fixing to masonry)
and screw (self-tapping 3 x 16mm screw) to fixing position. Leave a gap of 3mm between
the screw head and the wall. Locate the keyhole slot on the back of the unit over the screw.
Melody Selection
The melody selector is located inside the Push Button unit, a small switch on the top left corner of
battery compartment marked with “S”. Press the switch once, the melody will change to play the next
one on the list, there are total 8 melodies for selection. The Push Button is pre-set to “Westminster”
therefore, if no change is required, it should not be adjusted.
1. Westminster Chime 8 notes 4. Circus Theme 7. It’s a small world
2. Ding-Dong Repeat 5. Banjo on my knee 8. Dog Barking
3. Telephone Ring 6. Twinkle - Twinkle
Optional: You can purchase a further Push Button for installation at the back door, and adjust the
melody selector, so that push button at the front door will have a “Westminster” tone, and Push
Button at the back door will have another melody for identification.
Digital Code Set Up
The unit comes from the factory on a pre-set radio frequency digital code. However, should your door
chime activate intermittently for no reason at all, it is possible that a similar unit is operating nearby
on the same frequency digital code. The encoded frequency of the Push Button (transmitter) can be
changed to avoid this problem.
The Wall Clock Door Chime unit is equipped with advanced self-learning operation code ability
therefore no setting is needed.
1. Remove the back of case of Bell Push unit.
2. There is 4 black links in a row, in position 1, 2, 3 & 4. It can be altered to achieve total sixteen
(16) possible digital codes.
3. To set the code by add and remove one or more the black link(s), then press the Bell Push, the
Wall Clock Door Chime unit will sound to indicate that operation code is registered and
memorized, and will only work with it.
4. To re-set the operation code, simply remove the batteries from the Wall Clock Door Chime unit
and rest for 30 seconds, it will erase the memory. Re-insert the batteries into the Wall Clock
Door Chime unit, it will give 2-beeps sound to indicate that it is ready for the new operation code
registration. Push the Bell Push to confirm the new code is working.
5. Test to ensure correct operation before final installation.