Product Manual

RS-232 Interface
COM Port settings:
Baud rate 9600
Bits 8
Parity NO
Stop bit 1
Flow Control None
Use Hyper Terminal or custom software to communicate. Turn off echo. The
unit will echo any character it receives to verify communication.
v Lowers volume
V Raises volume
g Increases range (lower gain)
G Decreases range (raise gain)
b, B Check battery voltage
r Turns OFF status report
R Turns ON status report
? Causes a status report to be sent
l Specifies short status report
L Specifies long status report
d Turns off debug mode
D Turns on debug mode
z Zero + 1 step per command
Z Zero - 1 step per command
a, A Initiate auto zero
s, S Toggle sample rate
Report String Description:
Long version using send character = L”, Total characters = 58
Short version using send character l” (lower case L), Total characters=22
Underscore in string represents a SPACE character. It is not output as an un-
derscore but as a space.
Example: $SIG= ±XXXE-X, GAIN= X, BAT= XXXE-1, VOL= X, Z= XXX, A= X!