Traceable Thermometer Instructions

R1-041916 Page 3 of 4
Programming the Alarms
High Alarm Temperature
From the main display screen:
Press HI/LO key ONCE, then press MODE/RESET key to enter High
Alarm temperature setting mode. Use the up and down arrows to adjust
temperature accordingly.
Press MODE/RESET key ONCE to confirm the setting.
Low Alarm Temperature
From the main display screen:
Press HI/LO key TWICE, then press MODE/RESET key to enter Low
Alarm temperature setting mode. Use the up and down arrows to adjust
temperature accordingly.
Press MODE/RESET key ONCE to confirm the settings.
To Use
Once the Alarm Thermometer has been programmed, place the temperature sensor (in glycol bottle) in
the location to be monitored, such as inside a refrigerator or freezer.
Thermometer displays internal temperature of unit being monitored, as well as maximum and
minimum temperatures reached. The thermometer maximum and minimum readings reflect the
highest and lowest temperatures since the battery was inserted or since the RESET button was last
If the temperature measurement rises above or falls below the set temperature range, the alarm will
sound. To silence the alarm, press any button.
Set the high and low alarm temperature limits above and below the refrigerator/freezer operating
temperature to prevent false alarms. Refrigerators are designed to run between 2-8 °C (36-46°F) while
freezers run below -15 °C (5 °F).