Installation Instructions

SB-CM32A12 Installation Ins truction s
SunBriteTV LLC (SBTV) intend to make this manual accurate
and complete. However, SBTV makes no claim that the
information contained herein cover s all details, conditions or
variations, nor does it provide for every possible contingency in
connection with the installation or use of this product. The
information contained in this document is subject to change
without notice or obligation of any kind. SBTV makes no
representation of warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the
information contained herein. SBTV assumes no responsibility
for accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of the information
contained in this document.
SunBriteTV® is a registered trademark of SunBrite TV LLC.
Built to SunBriteTV® spec ifications by Chief Manuf acturing. All
rights reserved.
WARNING: A WARNING alerts you to the possibility of
serious injury or dea th if you do not follow the i nstruc tions.
CAUTION: A CAUTION alerts you to the possibility of
damage or destruction of equipment if you do not follow the
corresponding inst ructions.
WARNING: Failure to read, thoroughly understand, and
follow all instructi ons can result in serious personal injury,
damage t o equipment , or voi ding of f act ory warrant y! It i s the
installer’s responsibility to make sure all components are
properly assem bled and in stalled usi ng the ins tructions
provi ded.
WARNING: Failure to provi de adequate structural strength
for this component can result in serious personal injury or
damage to equipment! It is the installer’s responsibility to
make sure the structure to which this component is attached
can sup port five t imes t he combi ned wei ght of al l eq uip ment.
Reinforce the structure as required before installing the
WARNING: Exceeding the weight capacity can result in
serious personal injury or damage to equipment! It is the
insta ller’s resp onsibi lity to make sure the combined weight of
all components located between the SB-CM32A12 mount up
to (and including) the display does not exceed 75 lbs (34 kg).
WARNING: Use this mounting system only for its intended
use as described in these instructions. Do not use
attachments not recommended by the manufacturer.
WARNING: Never operate this mounting system if it is
damaged . Retur n the mo unting system to a servi ce center f or
examination and repair.
The SB-CM32A12 is designed to be mounted
to 2" x 4" wood stud joists.