User's Manual

28 . The emoticons included on the product are:
Press KEY_UP and KEY_DOWN to highlight the emoticons you want and press Insert (KEY_SOFT_1) to insert selected emoticon.
29 . When an emoticon is selected from the table it is shown in the message. If the user enters the same combination of symbols
manually, they are converted to the emoticon.
30 . The maximum length of a template is 32 characters. In the list view, if the entire template can be displayed on a single line it is all
displayed. If there is more than can be displayed on a single line, 3 dots are displayed at the end of the template to indicate more of
the message scrolling off to the right.
31 . Once a template is deleted - it is replaced by Empty.
32 . When an "Empty" template is selected, its Delete option is greyed out (see screen S106).
33 . When inserting a template, if "Empty" template is selected - the handset will present an error beep.
34. All templates are reset to default when the product is reset.
35 . When saving SMS sender number, if the number already exists in the phonebook - Save option will be greyed out (see screen S63).
36 . When accessing the phonebook to send a text message to a number stored, if the phonebook is empty, the display prompts
" Phonebook Empty" for 2 seconds and returns to the previous screen.
37. If Save is selected on screen X70 when the phonebook memory is full - the display prompts "Phonebook Memory Full" for 2 seconds
and return to the previous screen (see screen S70).
38 . When saving a number, the name and a number field have to be entered for a Phonebook entry to be saved. Save is not presented
until there is content in the name and one of the number fields.
39. Service Centres menu can be hidden in EEPROM.
40 . There are 2 send and 2 receive centre numbers (one of each of the send and receive numbers can be hidden in EEPROM).
41 . Service centre numbers shall not be stored in the calls list or the redial list.
42 . The send and receive centre number can be up to 24 digits long.
43 . SMS service centre numbers can be set to empty.
44. If the product is reset, the default service centre numbers are restored.
45 . If the user has deleted both service centre numbers and then selects Set Send Service from Text Settings menu, or selecting an
"empty" send or receive centre number - the display prompts "No Service Numbers Stored !" for 2 seconds and returns to the
previous screen.
46. Message Type menu can be hidden in EEPROM.
47 . If message type is Fax - when writing the message, in the write message field:
(1) type in email destination address
(2) add a SPACE
(3) write your email content
For example: hello! how are you?
The content before the first SPACE will be used as the email destination address.
(4) to send the message, press Options (KEY_SOFT_1)
(5) Send is highlighted, press Select (KEY_SOFT_1) to send the message.
48 . Email messages will not be saved in the Outbox.
49. Delivery Report menu can be hidden in EEPROM.
50. Users menu can be hidden in EEPROM.
51 . SMS multi-users can add up to 4 users. Therefore, there can be 5 mailboxes; one public / general mailbox + 4 users’ mailboxes.
52 . SMS username can be up to 8 characters long.
53 . When using password protection on SMS user mailboxes, once four digits have been entered on the "Mailbox PIN" entry screen any
further button presses are ignored and the error tone is presented. If the user attempts to press Save (SOFT_KEY_1) before 4 digits
have been entered the button press is ignored and the error tone is presented.
54 . If the user mailbox PIN is incorrectly entered at any time - the display prompts "Incorrect PIN" for 2 seconds and returns to the
previous screen (see screen S237).
55. User 1, 2, 3 and 4 have mailbox numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 pre-assigned to them by default. The general mailbox number is pre-set to 0.
56 . When the user changes the user's mailbox number, only unassigned mailbox numbers between 0-9 can be used. If the mailbox
number entered is in use by another user - the display prompts "Mailbox Number already used" and returns to enter mailbox number
screen (see screen S194a).
57 . Each personal mailbox has an Inbox
, Outbox and Drafts folder which are password protected (if switched on).
58. Any user accounts created are reset to default when the product is reset.
59 . If a user account is deleted, any stored text messages associated with that account are also deleted.
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