User's Manual

16 . Messages will be selectively deleted if DTMF 5 is received. Confirmation that the message has been deleted will be by the unit
announcing v3 and skipping forward to play the next message, or to the end of message sequence described above.
Messages are marked for deletion at this stage but are only actually deleted after the line is released.
If all messages have been individually deleted, v4, v33, then v19 shall be announced after the DTMF code_5 is recognised.
17 . If DTMF code_6 is detected during message playback, the unit shall skip forward to the start of the next message.
If the end of messages is reached during skip forwards, v4, v33, then v19 shall be announced after the DTMF code_6 is recognised.
18 . When DTMF code_7 is detected, the unit shall announce v9, <<Personal OGM>> or <<Default OGM>>, then v19.
19 . When DTMF code_8 is detected, the unit shall announce v30 and after DTMF code_# is recognised the unit shall announce v9,
<<Personal OGM>>, then v19.
20 . When DTMF code_9 is detected, the unit shall announce v15, then v19.
21 . When DTMF code_0 is detected, the unit shall announce v16, v9, <<Personal OGM>> or <<Default OGM>>, then v19.
22. Any valid message recorded before remote interrogation is attempted (successfully or not) shall be saved and indicated after the line
is released (unless deleted during remote interrogation).
23 . If the caller clears the line during remote interrogation, the unit will not hold the line indefinitely. If the caller has cleared - the unit
shall clear after the 8-second period at the end of message playback.
After the line is released any messages that have not been deleted shall be saved and indicated on the message counters (if
24. It shall be possible to interrupt an operation or the remote interrogation menus by sending an appropriate DTMF signal. If the remote
menu is being playback, pressing invalid DTMF shall emit an error beep.
If the main menu is played to end without any interruption, it waits for 8 seconds for the user to enter the DTMF, if a DTMF instruction
is received which is not valid, then 4 short beeps will be played to line and the count down counter (8 seconds) keeps counting down.
After 8 seconds time out, the unit will send a long beep and then release the line.
Remote operation with voice prompts: