User's Manual

1. When a VMWI call arrives with name and number the entry is stored in Missed and Voicemail Calls
list. If Voicemail Calls list is disabled the entry will be stored in the Missed Calls list.
The handset will display the name or number if available. If the user prefers that it displays
" Voicemail" or "Voicemail Box 5"then this can be done by creating entries for "Voicemail" and
" Voicemail Box 5" in the phonebook so incoming VMWI CID can match to the entry in the
phonebook and display "Voicemail" or "Voicemail Box 5".
2. When a VMWI call arrives without name and number the entry is N O T stored in the Missed and
Voicemail Calls list.
3. The entry or record of specific VMWI is deleted when a matching de-notification for that specifc
entry is received.
4. The handset should not store VMWI de-notification number.
5. The handset should be able to manage call repeat of VMWI entries with the same CID. In other
words, it does not show two entries for 3105.
6. In event of the network failing to de-notify the terminal - the user can perform a manual de-
notification to switch off event indications by deleting all VMWI calls via the Delete Calls >
Voicemail Calls menu option. All VMWI calls will be deleted from Missed and Voicemail Calls list on
his handset.
The handset will inform the base that all VMWI entries have been deleted and all handset and
base event LED will stop flashing and reminder icon removed from the display. This is only the
case for VMWI with CID.
Alternatively, a long press on KEY_1 when in the Delete Calls menu list will switch off all VMWI
indication, the handset and base event LED will stop flashing and the VMWI reminder icon
removed from the display.
7. VMWI calls are personal to each handset, if one handset deletes a VMWI entry from the calls
list, the same entry is not deleted on the other handset.
8. There should be no automatic deletion of VMWI entries when the calls list memory becomes full.
9. When a VMWI call arrives, all handsets will display "You have new voicemail" and the handset
and base LED flashes, if Back (KEY_SOFT_2) is pressed the handset will show VMWI reminder
icon (at this time handset and base LED continues to flash) until VMWI OFF is received or if the
entry is deleted from Missed or Voicemail Calls list.
10 . If a VMWI call is received without CID or the VMWI number received is the same as the
voicemail number stored in EEPROM, say 3105, pressing Listen (KEY_SOFT_1) will dial 3105.
If the number of the last VMWI call arrived is different to the number stored in EEPROM, say
3108, pressing Listen (KEY_SOFT_1) will dial the last VMWI number received - in this case it
will dial 3108.
11 . If there is one VMWI ON, for example, from 3105, and the user deletes this entry or when a
VMWI OFF is received, the handset and base event LED will stop flashing and the reminder icon
removed from the handset display.
12 . When two or more VMWI ON is received, for example, from 3105 and 3108 - if 3108 VMWI OFF
is received it should only delete 3108 VMWI ON from all handsets. The handset event LED and
the reminder icon should remain flashing until 3105 VMWI OFF is received but the base event
LED will stop flashing once one VMWI off is received.
Voicemail Calls Management
Listen Back
Handset 1
You have
new voicemail
Menu Contact
Handset 1
Mute Contact
Handset 1