User Manual

61 // 2. For Thermister module(with sig pin)
62 if (temp > 33) tmp = 0;
63 else if (temp < 31) tmp = 1;
64 //------------------------------------------
For Python
41 #################################################
42 # 1. For Analog Temperature module(with DO)
43 #tmp = GPIO.input(DO);
44 #
45 # 2. For Thermister module(with sig pin)
46 if temp > 33:
47 tmp = 0;
48 elif temp < 31:
49 tmp = 1;
50 #################################################
After editing the code, repeat step 2, 3, and 4 (or step 2, 3 for Python users).
You can still see temperature value printed on the screen constantly. If you pinch the
thermistor for a while, its temperature will rise slowly. "Too Hot!" will be printed on the screen.
Release your fingers, and let it stay in the open air for a while, or blow on the module. When
the temperature drops down slowly, "Better" will be printed.
Note: The analog temperature sensor adjusts alarm temperature by the potentiometer on
the module. The thermistor changes the alarm temperature by program.