User Manual

In this experiment, a common cathode 7-segment display is use. It should be connected to
ground. When the anode of an LED in a certain segment is at high level, the corresponding
segment will light up; when it is at low, the segment will stay dim.
Connect pin ST_CP of 74HC595 to Raspberry Pi GPIO1, SH_CP to GPIO2, DS to GPIO0,
parallel output ports to 8 segments of the LED segment display. Input data in DS pin to shift
register when SH_CP (the clock input of the shift register) is at the rising edge, and to the
memory register when ST_CP (the clock input of the memory) is at the rising edge. Then you
can control the states of SH_CP and ST_CP via the Raspberry Pi GPIOs to transform serial
data input into parallel data output so as to save Raspberry Pi GPIOs and drive the display.
Experimental Procedures
Step 1: Build the circuit