User Manual

Advanced Lesson
Controlling an LED Based on Web
The reason why Raspberry Pi is so amazing is the networking function and support by
numerous open source web applications. With it, your own Internet of Things system can be
constructed conveniently. In this lesson, we will learn how to control an LED based on the
web with Raspberry Pi. You can use your mobile phone, tablet PC or computer to control
the LED too, as long as it is in the same Local Area Network (LAN) with your Raspberry Pi.
- 1 * Raspberry Pi
- 1 * Breadboard
- 1 * LED
- 1 * Resistor (220Ω)
- Jumper wires
WebIOPi is a fully integrated Internet of Things framework for the Raspberry Pi. It is a
lightweight web server program on the Raspberry Pi platform which provides users a
solution for remote access to Raspberry Pi. That is, you can remotely operate your
Raspberry Pi and control the hardware connected to it by a browser or an APP.
Experimental Procedures
1. Build the circuit