Instruction manual

To review the section onTroubleshooting Tips
will help youto solve some common problems
by yourse lf .
Dear Cu s to m er ,
Please carefully reading it before using the dishwasher
wi ll he lp y ou t o use a nd mai nt ain t he d ishw as her p rope rl y.
Pass it on to any subsequent owner of the appliance.
Thi s ma nu al c on tai n s sec t i ons of Safe t y Instru c t ion s ,
Operating Instructions,Installation Instructions and
Tr ou bl es hooti ng Tips , et c .
The m anufacture r, fol lo wing a p olicy of c onstant
develo pment a nd u pdati ng of the product , may
make modifi cations witho ut gi ving prior not ic e.
Keep it to refer to at a later date.
If you c an not reso lve t he tr oubles b y yo ur self ,
please ask f or the help o f p rofessiona l techn icians.
Dishwasher Featur es..... ............. ......... ......... ...3
Attention before or after loading the Dishwasher
Filtering System. ............................. ...............11
Caring for the Dishwashe r..................... .........12.
A Fill the RinseAid Dispenser.........................4
B Function of Detergent ........................ .........4
Lo ading the B asket ... ...... .... ..... ...... ... ... ...... ...... .7
Cutlery Basket............................................... 8
Wash Cycl e Table............................ ............... 9
Tur ni ng on the A pplian c e... ... . ..... ... . ..... ... . .. .... . 9
Change the Programme. ............. ................ 10....
At the En d of the Wash Cycle.. ......... ................10
Positioning the Appliance...... ............. ..........14..
Water Connection.................................. .......14.
About Power Connection........................ .......14.
Connection of D rain Hoses..................... .......16.
St ar t of dishwa s her... . .... . ... . ... ... . ..... .... .. .. . ... 16.. ..
Before calling for service........................... .....17.
Error codes. ................................... ..............18.
Technical in formation.............................. .....19..
Contro l Pan el.... ............... ............... .................3