Owner Manual

Sunshine GardenHouseSunshine GardenHouse
Sunshine GardenHouseSunshine GardenHouse
Sunshine GardenHouse
PO Box 2068, Longview, WA 98632
Sunshine GardenHouseSunshine GardenHouse
Sunshine GardenHouseSunshine GardenHouse
Sunshine GardenHouse
PO Box 2068, Longview, WA 98632
Use the stub block (located in Box #4)
when installing each corner connector
so space is left for the corner posts.
Base - Box #4 & 6
Use 1-1/4” screws to attach the two
side wall bases, front wall base and
back wall base to each other. All part
labels face ourside on the base.
Check that the base is square by
measuring from corner to corner in
both diagonal directions. If the
measurements are not equal, push on
the longer dimension until they are
Place the two back wall panels on the
back wall base with the panel connec-
tors facing inside. Slide the corner
posts into their corners.
Do not drive screws into the taped
connector holes. Screws in the taped
holes will create unwanted space
between the panels.
Drive 1-1/4” screws into the untaped
connector holes at the base.
Back Wall - Box #3
Place the piston of the cylinder through
the housing (the threaded bolt) and into
the “T” with the “T” pointing away
from the cylinder. Remove the plastic
in the “T”.
Align the hole in the “T” with the
outermost hole in the piston and push
the keeper pin through both.
Screw the cylinder into the housing so
threads are about equal on both sides
of the housing.
Follow the same procedure for the
other roof vent operator.
Position the base vent operators at the
center of the back wall vents.
Attach the same way as the roof vent
Note: Occassional lubrication of the pistons in
your automatic vent operators will keep them
working freely. Just a drop of light oil (such as
“3-in-1”) spread over the piston is all that is
And if the temperature in your GardenHouse
drops below freezing (generally because of lack
of winter use), it’s a good idea to remove the
black cylinder with the piston and take it to a
warmer location so the paraffin in the unit
won’t freeze. Remember to reinstall them in the
B ack