User Manual

As you will soon find out, sChargers are very unique high powered solar chargers. They are capable of charging USB
rechargeable devices directly from the sun. They do not need internal batteries that can become discharged. They will
actually run a cell phone directly from the sun while you are using it. They utilize fairly complex circuitry that makes
them very simple to use. With proper use and care, your sCharger will provide many years of service.
Most smart phones come with their own USB connector cable so that they can communicate with personal computers.
This is the same cable that can be used to charge device with your sCharger. All USB devices (phones, tablets etc.)
include a cable that has a mini or micro USB connector on one end and a larger USB connector on the other end. If you
don’t have a cable, you should be able to find your USB cable on the internet or at any local electronics store.
Getting Started
Simply unfold the sCharger and place it in the sun with solar cells facing up. The solar cells are the black squares with
tiny lines on them. The little box on the back has a female USB connector and an LED indicator. The indicator should
light up when the solar panel sees light. It will light up even in the slightest sunlight. In order to get maximum power,
the panel should be in full sunlight. Simply plug your USB device into the USB socket on the back of the sCharger using
your device’s existing charge cable. Also note, as the sun moves, the solar panel could eventually get blocked by an
obstruction like a tree or a building etc. Try and strategically place it where there will be no obstructions. If you are
having problems, please see the troubleshooting section.
iPhone Charging
All iPhone models are fully supported. You will most likely be surprised how quickly your iPhone will charge with the
sChargers. Most of the time it is not even necessary to aim the panel at the sun. You can lay it on any flat surface and it
should work fine.
Place the sCharger in full sunlight when being plugged into the iPhone
Do not try to charge in shade or behind glass(sCharger-5)
USB cable port
sCharger 5
sCharger 8 and 14