User's Manual

ST-100M Module
7.24.2 Format
Command Possible response(s)
if text mode (+CMGF=1):
text is entered<ctrl-Z/ESC>
if text mode (+CMGF=1) and sending
+CMGC: <mr>[,<scts>]
if sending fails:
+CMS ERROR: <err>
7.25 AT+CMGC(PDU mode) – Send Command (Sec 4.5)
7.25.1 Description
Execution command sends a command message from a TE to the network (SMS-COMMAND).
7.25.2 Format
Command Possible response(s)
if PDU mode (+CMGF=0):
PDU is given<ctrl-Z/ESC>
if PDU mode (+CMGF=0) and sending successful:
+CMGC: <mr>[,<ackpdu>]
if sending fails:
+CMS ERROR: <err>
7.26 AT+CMMS – More Message to Send (Sec 3.5.6)
7.26.1 Description
Set command controls the continuity of SMS relay protocol link. When feature is enabled (and supported by
network) multiple messages can be sent much faster as link is kept open.
Test command returns supported values as a compound value.
7.26.2 Format
Command Possible response(s)
if PDU mode (+CMGF=0) and sending successful:
+CMGC: <mr>[,<ackpdu>]
if sending fails:
+CMS ERROR: <err>
+CMMS? +CMMS: <n>
+CMMS=? +CMMS: (list of supported <n>s)