User's Manual

ST-100M Module
2.2.3 Field
Type Short name Parameter/comment
String dial string
.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +. Valid characters for origination
W The W modifier is ignored but is included for
compatibility reasons only
, The comma modifier is ignored but is included for
compatibility reasons only
; Informs the Infrared Modem that the number is a
voice number rather than a fax or data number
T The T modifier is ignored but is included only
for compatibility purposes
P The P modifier is ignored but is included only
for compatibility purposes
String text
28800 Connected with data bit rate of 28800 bits/s
19200 Connected with data bit rate of 19200 bits/s
14400 Connected with data bit rate of 14400 bits/s
9600 Connected with data bit rate of 9600 bits/s
4800 Connected with data bit rate of 4800 bits/s
2400 Connected with data bit rate of 2400 bits/s
2.2.4 Response
Execution command :
CONNECT <text>
2.3 ATE
2.3.1 Description
The setting of this parameter determines whether or not the DCE echoes characters received from the
DTE during command state and online command state.
2.3.2 Format
Execution command : ATE[<value>]