User's Manual

ST3310 User Manual
ANT_CHK ‘0’ or ‘1’ GPS Antenna Connection Error Check
Disable (0) / Enable (1)
BAT_CHK ‘0’ or ‘1’ Backup Battery Error Check
Disable (0) / Enable (1)
M_SENSOR ‘0’ ~’4’ Motion Sensor
Motion Collision Shock
0 Disable Disable Disable
1 Enable Disable Disable
2 Disable Disable Enable
3 Enable Disable Enable
4 Disable Enable Disable
5 Enable Enable Disable
6 Disable Enable Enable
7 Enable Enable Enable
CALL ‘0’ or ‘1’ Support Call with headset
Disable (0) / Enable (1)
GEO_FENCE ‘0’ or ‘1’ Support Geo-fence
Disable (0) / Enable (1)
DAT_LOG ‘0’ or ‘1’ Log out with RS232
0 = No Use
1 = Enable getting saved log data by RS232
[command] ST3310SVC;850000;02;1;120;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
[response] ST3310SVC;Res;850000;010;1;120;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
** Function of M_SEMSOR can be used with the model that has motion sensor.
If shock or collision detection is enabled, device will report to server when gets any shock or collision.
** If this parameter has been customized, This table should be disregarded and you should follow
operation document.
1. KEEP_CON : The device keeps TCP connection always and can receives a command by WCDMA.
2. KEEP_DISCON : The device connects TCP connection when the data is sent. After sending, the
device disconnects WCDMA and TCP connection if it estimates there is no data for sending within
3minutes. In this case, it cannot receive a command by WCDMA.
3. KEEP_NOP : The device doesn’t send any report after be installed. When the device enters
emergency mode or receive ‘Start Report’ command by SMS or RS232, it starts report depending